Most people only think there’s one way to make money with a website and that’s by selling a product on it. While this is probably the most lucrative way to make money online with a website, there are many other ways to make money for your website to help offset the costs of advertising and hosting fees. Here are the ways below:Adsense Ads and other advertisements. You can earn a fairly decent amount of money by placing AdSense advertisements on your website. Depending on the subject matter you can make as much as $1 each time someone clicks on one of these advertisements.Developing a site newsletter. By having a site newsletter you can legally email people new products and/or promotions to products they would be interested in. You do need to make sure that whatever you’re emailing them is relevant to what they signed up for (you cant email people dog training guides who signed up to receive movie reviews). I’ve seen people make $1,000 per month just by sending out a few emails to several thousand subscribers.Give away free coupons which make you money. This may not make sense, but there are several companies that give out coupon incentives for affiliates to use to get people to purchase their products. An example is Yahoo Search Marketing. Lets say Yahoo pays $50 each time you get someone to signup with them. If they offer a $50 coupon for you to give away for free, you can promote that coupon on your site and get paid each time someone uses it and signs up to join Yahoo. Commission Junction is usually full of these type coupons which range from online advertising to pet supplies.There are of course other ways that you can use to make more money from your website, but they require you receive a lot of traffic each day and therefore would be a waste of time to implement for most people. Remember, the more streams of income you have coming from your website, the higher you can bid to receive more traffic which will make you more money.
Four Ways to Make Money with Your Own Website
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